We need to ignore the petty shit when it comes to investigating Dick Cheney. Whining about that stuff just distracts from the war crimes he needs to be held accountable for.
What we need to compel the CIA to testify to - with full immunity, of course - is what Cheney did with them and the bogus and cooked Iraq intelligence leading up to the invasion. When your agents kept telling Cheney there was no Iraq link to al-Qaeda, that those 'mobile biological weapons' gizmos were merely fertilizer spreaders and Mohammed Atta did NOT meet with Iraqi intelligence in Prague, how many spewing tirades and threats to your careers from him did it take for you to crack?
And while he's at it, Attorney General Holder should finally hold Cheney responsible for the espionage committed against our country and another covert CIA agent, Valerie Plame. That part of the indictment should even things out a bit and make the CIA happy.
But what amuses me most about Cheney is when he gets all paranoid and comes out with another one of his claims of how he 'kept us safe'. What really needs to be discussed, and what our history books will rightfully tell, is just how much of a miserable failure George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were in preparing and protecting our homeland before 9/11/01. You only have to refer to the 9/11 Commission Report for that historical fact.
And Ol' Dickhead needs to give up on that bogus claim that his torture policies saved us from another attack. Those fools already blew that idiotic claim too.
Dick Cheney needs to crawl back into his hole. He failed this nation miserably both before and after 9/11. That's his indisputable record and he just can't stand the fact that that's just how it will be written.