Norman Rockwell
"Homecoming G.I."
May 1945
Why the hell did he do that?

President Obama should turn that fucking traitor loose and let nature, and justice, run its course. And let that thieving son-of-a-bitch pay for his own damn security!
Let's make these Beggars real sovereign
Gov. Sarah Palin has signed a joint resolution declaring Alaska's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution – and now 36 other states have introduced similar resolutions as part of a growing resistance to the federal government. ... While seven states – Tennessee, Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Alaska and Louisiana – have had both houses of their legislatures pass similar decrees, Alaska Gov. Palin and Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen are currently the only governors to have signed their states' sovereignty resolutions.
You know what's coming ... That's right, the seven states listed above - of course they're all 'Republican' states - who whine the loudest about 'sovereignty', are all 'Beggar' states. They, like every single Republican-voting state except for one, Texas ... receive more than they give in federal funds and live off the Donor states! It's like the punk who has his head buried deep into the public trough - you know, 10 months on unemployment and his health care paid for by the taxpayers - who still comically calls himself a 'conservative' (sic) and pretends he opposes government intervention while living off its hand-outs! Let those punks eat cake!
Kicking Obama's White Sox's Asses!
Detroit Tigers sweep Chicago White Sox
DETROIT — Carlos Guillen's RBI single in the 10th inning gave the Detroit Tigers a 4-3 victory over the Chicago White Sox on Saturday.
Iraq Vets: 'Afghan Enemy Even Bolder'NAWA, Afghanistan — In three combat tours in Anbar Province, Marine Sgt. Jacob Tambunga fought the deadliest insurgents in Iraq. But he says he never encountered an enemy as tenacious as what he saw immediately after arriving at this outpost in Helmand Province in Afghanistan. In his first days here in late June, he fought through three ambushes, each lasting as long as the most sustained fight he saw in Anbar. Like other Anbar veterans here, Sergeant Tambunga was surprised to discover guerrillas who, if not as lethal, were bolder than those he fought in Iraq. “They are two totally different worlds,” said Sergeant Tambunga, a squad leader in Company C, First Battalion, Fifth Marines. “In Iraq, they’d hit you and run,” he said. “But these guys stick around and maneuver on you.”
We need to pulverize those sons-of-bitches, kill our prize and get the hell out of that shit hole!
This just drives wingnuts nuttier
(Bloomberg) U.S. stocks rose, completing the Dow Jones Industrial Average’s best two-week rally since 2000 ... Investors are pouring money into shares on speculation the fastest rally since the Great Depression will reverse losses from last year, when the S&P 500 fell 38 percent.
The America-haters who root against it are praying for its demise and they hate when it's proven the decline was caused by them and its rise - in spite of them.
'done that's' Hypocrite of the WeekJindal declared the Recovery Act “a nearly trillion-dollar stimulus that has not stimulated.” However, less than 24 hours before Jindal published his op-ed, Jindal traveled to Anacoco, Louisiana to present a jumbo-sized check to residents of Vernon Parish. The funds included hundreds of thousands of dollars directly from the Recovery Act ...
It's hilarious that 'Bobby' Jindal was suppose to be one their go-to guys in 2012. Of course, so was Palin (LOL!), Sanford and Ensign! Maurice Bower "Speeding Stagecoach" May 1937
More bodies go unclaimed
The poor economy is taking a toll even on the dead, with an increasing number of bodies in Los Angeles County going unclaimed by families who cannot afford to bury or cremate their loved ones.
Man, it's tough out there. By the way, how much is it to cremate someone?
Simply put, that sucks!
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress on Tuesday that he expects “that the jobless rate — now 9.5% — could rise as high as 10.1% later this year before falling to as low as 9.5% by the end of 2010 and as low as 8.4% by the end of 2011.” “Still, Bernanke added unemployment would likely remain ‘well above’ healthy levels through 2011.”
Unfortunately, the 20-month old George Bush Recession has devastated the U.S. economy and employment is always a lagging indicator in any recovery.
When we fight the real war on terror
Bin Laden Son Reported Killed In PakistanU.S. officials believe Saad bin Laden — a son of Osama bin Laden — has been killed by an American missile in Pakistan. Saad bin Laden reportedly spent years under house arrest in Iran before traveling last year to Pakistan, according to former National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell. It's believed he was killed by Hellfire missiles fired from a U.S. Predator drone sometime this year.
Barack Obama has done more on the real war on terror in his first six months than Bush did in his 7 years and 3 months of neglect, diversion and abject failure. Do you remember how all you fools whined like babies when Barack Obama said two years ago he'd go into Pakistan in pursuit of bin Laden and al-Qaeda? I sure do.
How stupid are we?
FRESNO, Calif. -- Federal and state agents have arrested 83 people for growing more than $1.26 billion worth of marijuana in an ongoing crackdown on illegal pot gardens in California's Sierra Nevada range.
California has an 8.25% sales tax. If marijuana was legal they would have earned $104 million in sales tax revenue just from that one 'bust'. Not to mention, they'd have 83 more 'people' employed and paying additional taxes, instead of 83 who will now sit in jail on the taxpayer's dime. It's not rocket science, dumbasses!
Forty Years Ago Today
The Nixon Doctrine
July 25, 1969 - In a press conference, President Richard M. Nixon outlines his "Nixon Doctrine." This approach to foreign policy stated that the United States would continue to provide military aid and supplies, but that it expected its allies to assume responsibility for providing the manpower for their own defense. At the time, this policy change most directly impacted the war in Vietnam. In compliance with the Nixon Doctrine, US leaders began to turn the actual fighting of the war over to the South Vietnamese. This process, known as "Vietnamization," provided a way for the US to exit the conflict. This article provides an overview on Vietnamization and its effects on the conflict.
Andy Ostroy has a test for Wingnuts
Ten very clear questions on the status of the economy
1. Is the stock market stronger today than when Bush left office?
2. Is the banking industry stronger than when Bush left office?
3. Are Wall Street companies (JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, etc) doing better today than when Bush left office?
4. Are the credit markets doing better than when Bush left office?
5. Is the auto industry doing better than when Bush left office?
6. Are the housing markets doing better than when Bush left office?
7. Are retailers doing better than when Bush left office?
8. Is the technology industry doing better than when Bush left office?
9. Are monthly jobless claims lower than when Bush left office?
10. Is consumer confidence higher than when Bush left office?
"Of course, the answer to every single one of these black and white questions is yes. "Founded by Benjamin Franklin and brought back by, 'done that', 281 years later ...