Friday, June 26, 2009

You've heard the lies, how about the truth?

Cap and Trade will cost households $175 annually by 2020
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Climate change legislation pending in Congress would cost U.S. households only about $175 annually in higher energy and consumer prices, far less than the $3,100 "burden" opponents have claimed would result, according to a Congressional Budget Office estimate.

"The net annual economy wide cost of the cap and trade program in 2020 would be $22 billion, or about $175 per household," the CBO, which gives Congress nonpartisan advice about the impact of legislation under consideration, said in an analysis delivered to Congress late on Friday.
I don't know shit about cap and trade, but I do know that any person with a shred of intelligence would listen to the CBO over the Heritage Foundation. After all, the Heritage Foundation are the ones who still laughingly refer to Ronnie Reagan as a 'fiscal conservative'.

Don't believe the hype and the lying wingnuts. Go with the facts.

Addendum: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates the average cost per household to be between $98 and $140 per year.

Who are you going to trust for the correct information on Cap and Trade, the CBO, the EPA, or Fox News and the Heritage Foundation?

Come on, idiots ...