Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Obama can't sell cars either!

Auto Sales Plummeted To 27-Year Low

U.S. auto companies continued their free fall into the new year, posting their lowest sales totals in more than two decades.

Detroit's manufacturers were hit the hardest in January, punctuating the plight of General Motors and Chrysler as they seek additional government aid. The automakers are scheduled to return to Congress Feb. 17 with plans showing how they hope to remain viable, a key condition for receiving additional federal loans.

... Sales at the nation's five largest companies plummeted. Chrysler's sales fell a whopping 55 percent compared with a year ago. GM's were down 49 percent, and Ford's dropped 39 percent. Toyota said sales declined 32 percent. Honda's slid 28 percent for the month.
After two weeks in office Barack Obama has shown he's not very good at selling cars and he's totally devastated the American auto industry.