'By mobilizing public opinion'? We had an election, Sycophant - you, "ass-kissing little chickenshit". The anti-Constitution administration and party are no longer in power. Barack Obama ran a campaign that was very clear on withdrawing from Iraq in 16 months and he crushed the opposition on that platform. It wasn't even close.WASHINGTON, Feb 2 (IPS) - CENTCOM commander Gen. David Petraeus, supported by Defence Secretary Robert Gates, tried to convince President Barack Obama that he had to back down from his campaign pledge to withdraw all U.S. combat troops from Iraq within 16 months at an Oval Office meeting Jan. 21.
But Obama informed Gates, Petraeus and Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen that he wasn't convinced and that he wanted Gates and the military leaders to come back quickly with a detailed 16-month plan, according to two sources who have talked with participants in the meeting.
Obama's decision to override Petraeus's recommendation has not ended the conflict between the president and senior military officers over troop withdrawal, however. There are indications that Petraeus and his allies in the military and the Pentagon, including Gen. Ray Odierno, now the top commander in Iraq, have already begun to try to pressure Obama to change his withdrawal policy.
A network of senior military officers is also reported to be preparing to support Petraeus and Odierno by mobilising public opinion against Obama's decision.
It is a well proven fact that the occupation of Iraq serves absolutely no strategic purpose whatsoever to the United States and that it's merely a total waste of $15 billion a month that benefits no one but the military industrial complex.
General Sycophant, or aka Petraeus, needs to know he has three options; listen to your Commander-in-Chief, resign, or spend a few years in the brig doing hard labor.
This is the United States of America, not Russia. The military doesn't run this country. The public has already been 'mobilized' -- we already spoke and your job is to listen and to follow orders.