Tuesday, January 20, 2009

You can bet they appreciate their new Commander-in-Chief

US soldiers welcome new chief

THERE were cheers, whoops of joy and loud applause at US military bases in Afghanistan today as soldiers welcomed in their new commander-in-chief, President Barack Obama.

Soldiers at Camp Phoenix, a mainly US base on the outskirts of Kabul, stood to attention as they watched a live television transmission of Mr Obama take the oath in Washington.

"It's a proud moment for us," said Brigadier General Steven Huber, commander of the base, where many of the soldiers hail from Illinois, also Mr Obama's home state.

"He is our new commander-in-chief and we will serve him with honour," he said.
Finally, a commander-in-chief that's not an embarrassment, one who won't screw them over and one who knows what the mission actually should be.