Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Headline over on the Drudge Report;


No, not true, Obama didn't flub anything. Chief Justice Roberts 'flubbed' and Obama corrected him.

Of course, that's what you get at the Drudge Report. He's wrong even more than his show prep guy, Limbaugh.

UPDATE: Are you shittin' me?
Columnist E.J. Dionne wrote, "Standing in the crowd in front of the Capitol and watching all this, I had a terrible fear that if Obama had followed Roberts down the road to error, some conservative legal group, with massive support from conservative talk radio, would have brought a lawsuit arguing that Obama's presidency was illegitimate because he hadn't properly recited the oath."

Fox News's Chris Wallace seemed to give weight to these fears when he suggested on Tuesday, "I'm not sure that Barack Obama really is the president of the United States, because the oath of office is set in the Constitution. And I wasn't at all convinced that even after he tried to amend it that John Roberts ever got it out straight and that Barack Obama ever said the prescribed words. I suspect that everybody is going to forgive him and allow him to take over as president, but I'm not sure he actually said what's in the Constitution there."
How did Mike Wallace ever have such an asshole for a son? These wingnuts and their network are pathetic.