Monday, January 12, 2009

"So help me God"

Keeping with tradition
CNN) — President-elect Barack Obama has requested that the words “so help me God” be added to the end of the oath of office to be administered by Chief Justice John Roberts on Inauguration Day.

That confirmation came in an affidavit filed today by Roberts' court counselor in a pending lawsuit by an atheist opposed to any mention of God in the inaugural ceremonies. Roberts said he would abide by Obama’s wishes.

The Constitution has specific language on what has to be said when swearing in the president, but the “so help me God” phrase has traditionally been added at the end of the required oath, starting with George Washington in 1789.

And also ...

Obama wimps out on prosecution
The one-time candidate of "change" and "hope" didn't leave much room for prosecution of the Bush administration in a Sunday interview.

President-elect Barack Obama suggested that prosecuting torture committed by the Bush administration would not be a priority for him once he takes office.

"We have not made final decisions, but my instinct is for us to focus on how to we make sure we're moving forward, we are doing the right thing... "