I caught a little of Blimpy Limbaugh (damn have you seen that fatass lately? He's pushin' 3 1/2 bills at least!)

You know, maybe I've been wrong about Limbaugh; maybe he's not a pathological liar after all, but simply ignorant and very misinformed.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Jan. 23 -- At least 20 people were killed in northwest Pakistan near the border of Afghanistan on Friday in two suspected U.S. missile strikes, marking the first such attack in Pakistan's tribal areas since President Obama's inauguration.For those of us who have integrity, and who actually paid attention, we know that President Obama has been calling for pursuing the real terrorists for at least a year and a half. (Actually, it's more like 7 1/2 years but who's counting?)
Barack Obama was very clear on what he would do.
So maybe the OxyContin Pigboy Fatass isn't a total liar -- maybe he's just real stupid, or just extremely forgetful.
But regardless, Blimpy is dead wrong again, and it's a vicious cycle of the dumb and misinformed leading the dumb and misinformed.