Thousands more soldiers to Afghanistan
Hard-pressed British soldiers in southern Afghanistan will be reinforced by thousands of American troops early next year, under plans being drawn up by Nato and US commanders. Alarmed by a Taliban resurgence, Washington plans to send 10,000 troops to Helmand province, a force large enough to outnumber the 8,000-strong British contingent which has been struggling to keep the enemy at bay. A further 10,000 American troops will be deployed elsewhere in southern and south-western Afghanistan, according to senior Pentagon officials.
[The Obama Doctrine: When we say, 'fighting the war on terror', we will be fighting the war where the fucking terrorists are!]
Odierno had better get with the plan
Gates Disputes Commander On Troop Pullout

Defense Secretary Robert Gates told American troops in Balad, Iraq that the United States is now in the "end game" in Iraq and moved to reassure troops that their contribution to stability there is of vital importance, just days after the U.S. announced it would boost its military presence in Afghanistan. During an address to military personnel, Gates explained President-elect Barack Obama's vision for his proposed drawdown and said it represents a "significant change of mission."
[General, you have a new Commander-in-Chief who won in a landslide on an Iraq policy of withdrawing our combat troops in 16 months. Get used to it or resign.]
Don't even bother Christmas shopping

[More Mormon nuts from Utah.]
Oklahoma's Bradford Heisman winner

Another Bush fiasco
North Korea Nuclear Talks Collapse
WASHINGTON — A final push by President Bush to complete an agreement to dismantle North Korea’s nuclear weapons program collapsed Thursday, leaving the confrontation with one of the world’s most isolated and intractable nations to the administration of President-elect Barack Obama.
[Bill Clinton left Bush a workable North Korea policy that he ignored for over six years, screwed up for another 18 months and now he will leave the mess for Obama.]

"Americans expect the highest degree of transparency from their elected leaders, rather than promises of openness on the campaign trail," Republican National Committee Chairman Robert M. "Mike" Duncan said.
[Being reminded of 'transparency' by a Republican after eight years of George Bush is like having Caylee Anthony's mother reminding you to be a good parent.]

'Britain leaves Iraq in shame'
If British troops are indeed withdrawn from Iraq by next June, it will signal the end of the most shameful and disastrous episode in modern British history. Branded only last month by Lord Bingham, until recently Britain's most senior law lord, as a "serious violation of international law", the aggression against Iraq has not only devastated an entire country and left hundreds of thousands dead - it has also been a political and military humiliation for the invading powers. In the case of Britain, which marched into a sovereign state at the bidding of an extreme and reckless US administration, the war has been a national disgrace which has damaged the country's international standing.
That's twice this week

[That article tells of another phony-patriot wingnut group headed up by Donald Rumsfeld that ripped off the money that was supposed to go to 'supporting the troops' and I saw Gary Sinise's name mentioned. Sinise was in the news earlier this week when he accepted an award from another crook. Lt. Dan doesn't sound too cool.]
That's all they have is lesser instincts

"Can we continue to listen to Rush Limbaugh?" Is this really the kind of party that we want to be when these kinds of spokespersons seem to appeal to our lesser instincts rather than our better instincts?"
That sounds so predictable

[The utter incompetence from that side of the aisle is astounding.]
Don't bring that shit here hillbilly

[Jim Bunning, who I spent a lot of time cheering for when I was a kid, and who is certifiably insane, has now worn out what little welcome he had left here in the great state of Michigan.]
You know things are tough ...
NEW YORK -- The NFL pays its players billions of dollars a year and fans pack its stadiums every week. But even the deep-pocketed league is shedding jobs. Commissioner Roger Goodell said Tuesday that the league is cutting more than 10 percent of its staff in response to the downturn in the nation's economy that could put a dent in ticket sales for next season.
[... When the NFL is cutting jobs.]

Senate Republicans are considering asking Bill Clinton to testify at his wife’s confirmation hearing about potential conflicts of interest involving his worldwide charitable enterprises. “There are concerns about his international work across the board,” a Republican aide, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told Politico. “Seeking donations from foreign governments is definitely concerning. ... It has been discussed, and it will be discussed.”
[Bill Clinton needs to tell those inconsequential and rapidly depleting wimps that he isn't testifying anywhere -- on anything.]
"A great day for democracy"

[Whenever democracy has a good day, Republicans, and the phony conservatives in this country, have a miserable day. The rightwing can't win when voting is done right and the votes are counted. Franken is bound and determined to make sure that people like 'Jane the Voter' has her vote counted. Wingnuts can't stand the thought.]
Don't even think about it

Getting away with murder
The number of criminal homicides committed in the U.S. climbed from 4,566 in 1963 to 14,811 in 2007, according to the FBI. The clearance rate has been dropping pretty steadily over the past four decades, slipping under 80 percent in the early 1970s and below 70 percent in the late 1980s. In cities with populations over 1 million, the 2007 clearance rate was 59 percent, down from 89 percent in 1963.
[The 'clearance rate' is the number of homicides solved in a year.]

He did stay at a Holiday Inn last night
George W. Bush's recent statement that he believes the Bible is "probably not" literally true has apparently left many Christian conservatives reeling in shock. David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network told CNN"s John Roberts on Thursday, "I think a lot of social conservative evangelicals were surprised -- probably grabbing the smelling salts as we speak."
[Bush to evangelical wingnut sheep on his way out; SUCKERS!]
The Limbaugh Award

Congratulations, Hot Rod. You're one sick puppy - and, #92!
Past winners of the prestigious, but infamous,
The Limbaugh Award
Worst in History - George W. Bush - 12/07/08
Worst in History - George W. Bush - 11/30/08
Rep. Michele Bachmann - (R-MN) - 11/23/08
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 11/16/08
Double-talking Wingnut - Brent 'Bozo' Bozell - 11/9/08
Rightwing Radio Nutjob - Bill Cunningham - 11/2/08
Josephine the Plumber - Ashley Todd - 10/26/08
Joe The Plumber - Sammie Joe Wurzelbacher - 10/19/08
Drug-Addicted Beer Queen - Cindy McCain - 10/12/08
Anti-Semitic Lying Traitor - Sean Hannity - 10/5/08
Bye Week - 9/28/08
Pretty Pork Princess - Gov. Sarah Palin - 9/21/08
Lying Lil' Bush - John McCain - 9/14/08
Pretty Pork Princess - Gov. Sarah Palin - 9/07/08
Pretty Pork Princess - Gov. Sarah Palin - 8/31/08
Alleged Pedophile Pigboy - Rush Limbaugh - 8/24/08
A Terrible American Liar - Sean Hannity - 8/17/08
Self-described Narcissist - John Edwards - 8/10/08
Al-Qaeda in Iraq Liar - Traitor Joe Lieberman - 8/3/08
McCain Campaign Operative - Katie Couric - 7/27/08
Stupid Hillbilly Bitch - Libby Dole R-N.C. - 7/20/08
Lyin' Lil' Bush - John McCain - 7/13/08
Fox Assholes & Friends - Doocey and Kilmeade -7/5/08*
Fear-Mongering Buckeye Fan - Hugh Hewitt - 6/29/08
A Terrible American - Sean Hannity - 6/22/08
Tim Russert Memorial Truce Week - 6/15/08
Fox's Toe-Sucking Ethics Expert - Dick Morris - 6/7/08*
Troop Level Idiot - John 'Lil' Bush' McCain - 6/1/08
Sub 10th Grade Debate Loser - Rush Limbaugh - 5/25/08
Scared Little Man - George W. Bush - 5/18/08
Sugar Momma Beer Queen - Cindy McCain - 5/11/08
Uncultured Wussy - Bill O'Reilly - 5/4/08
Nazi Running for Congress - Tony Zirkle, R-IN - 4/27/08
Fox's Toe-Sucking Ethics Expert - Dick Morris - 4/20/08
Lying Dickhead VP - Dick Cheney - 4/13/08
McCain's Chief Lobbyist - Charlie Black - 4/6/08
Neo-Nazi Supporter - Sean Hannity - 3/30/08
Shiite for a Brain - John McCain - 3/23/08
Client #9 - Governor Eliot Spitzer - 3/15/08*
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 3/9/08
Lying Redneck Rep - Jack Kingston R-GA - 3/2/08
Lying Little Twirp - Tucker Carlson - 2/24/08
Mr Straight Talk - John McCain - 2/17/08
Bye Week - 2/10/08
Mr Straight Talk - John McCain - 2/3/08
935 of them - Bush & the Gang of 7 - 1/27/08
Fox News Co-Liars - Hannity & O'Reilly - 1/20/08
Sheep's Favorite Liar - Rush Limbaugh - 1/13/08
Longtime Lobbyist - Trent Lott - 1/6/08
2007 Co-Champions - Dick Bush - 12/30/07
Lying Piece of - Mitt Romney - 12/23/07
Psycho Pervert - Michael Savage - 12/16/07
Sheepherder-in-Chief - George W. Bush - 12/9/07
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 12/2/07
Cowardly Welsher - T. Boone Pickens - 11/25/07
Republican Tool - Matt Drudge - 11/18/07
Their Favored Liar - Rudy Giuliani - 11/11/07
Fox News Liar - Chris Wallace - 11/4/07
Uncultured Wussy - Bill O'Reilly - 10/28/07
Phony Patriot Liar - Rush Limbaugh - 10/21/07
Old Kentucky Homo - Mitch McConnell - 10/14/07
Liar-In-Chief - George W. Bush - 10/7/07
Phony Patriot Pig - Rush Limbaugh - 9/30/07
Big Stretch 'the truth' - Bill Sammon - 9/23/07
Mr. Straight Talk - John McCain - 9/16/07
Sycophant - Gen. David Petraeus - 9/9/07
His own Idaho - Sen. Craig R-Idaho - 9/2/07
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 8/26/07
The Exterminator - Tom Delay - 8/19/07
Big 'Rooster' - Mitt Romney - 8/12/07
Total Suck Up - Glenn Beck - 8/5/07
General Gonzo - Alberto Gonzales - 7/29/07
Pro Liar - Tony 'Snowjob' Snow - 7/22/07 **
Bush bin Lyin - George W. Bush - 7/15/07
Freed Felon - Scooter Libby - 7/8/07
Mr. Overrated - Rudy Giuliani - 7/1/07
Crazy Lying Okie - James Inhofe - 6/24/07
Pro Liar - Tony 'Snowjob' Snow - 6/17/07 **
Mormon Moron - Mitt Romney - 6/10/07
Bye Week - 6/3/07
Commander Guy - George W. Bush - 5/27/07
Pat's Brother - Bay Buchanan - 5/20/07
Used Car Salesman - John Boehner - 5/13/07
Uncultured Wussy - Bill O'Reilly - 5/6/07
Mr. Overrated - Rudy Giuliani - 4/29/07
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 4/22/07
The Decider - George W. Bush - 4/15/07
Lying Chickenhawk VP - Dick Cheney - 4/8/07
Mr. Straight Talk - John McCain - 4/1/07
Attorney General - Alberto Gonzales - 3/25/07
Fox mouthpieces Sean Hannity and
Victoria Toensing - 3/18/07
Fox News guy - Brit Hume - 3/11/07
VA Secretary - Jim Nicholson - 3/4/07
Rep. Michele Bachmann - (R-MN) - 2/25/07