Friday, November 14, 2008

Count the votes

Call her "Jane the Voter."

She is 84, lives in a nursing home near Bemidji [Minnesota] and has suffered a stroke since registering to vote years ago.

As [Al] Franken's recount lawyer Marc Elias put it today, she is "an honest hard-working" woman, "who did everything right … played by the rules," but her absentee ballot wasn't counted on Nov. 4.

Seems her post-stroke signature didn't match up with her healthy John Hancock of a while back, so an election judge ruled her vote invalid.

With that, "Jane the Voter" has become the poster senior for counting every last vote in the still-unsettled U.S. Senate race.
There is going to be a hand recount of the votes. Just make sure every vote is counted. How hard is that?