Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tell us what you really think, Dana

White House press secretary Dana Perino said Bush understands the importance of the [auto] industry, but that the carmakers' problems — decades in the making — cannot be blamed on the administration or the recent financial meltdown.

"Look at the history of these companies, decisions they've made over time that got them to where we are today," Perino said.
It's not about who is to blame it's about protecting 10-15 million (1-in-10) U.S. jobs that are reliant on the American auto industry.

I don't hear it being said, but the resistance to bailing out the Big 3 is about union-busting. But only a small percentage of those 10-15 million jobs are union jobs.

The government put up $700 billion to bail out corporations and three of our largest employers rightfully want a share.

It might not be Bush's fault Ms. Perino, but his stubborness and disdain for unions isn't helping out much right now.