Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Scroll #88

The distractions are almost over Peray -- While emphasizing the importance of continuing U.S. operations against Pakistan-based Taliban fighters who attack U.S. forces in Afghanistan, the incoming administration intends to remind Americans how the fight against Islamist extremists began -- on Sept. 11, 2001, before the Afghanistan and Iraq wars -- and to underscore that al-Qaeda remains the nation's highest priority. "This is our enemy," one adviser said of bin Laden, "and he should be our principal target."

They're just a bunch of fucking rocks!
President-elect Barack Obama risks a political backlash and legal battles if he tries to reverse moves by President George W. Bush to expand natural-gas drilling in Utah. An Election Day announcement that the federal Bureau of Land Management plans to lease more than 350,000 acres for oil and gas drilling in Utah, including areas adjacent to Arches National Park, drew fire from environmental groups who accused the Bush administration of giving the oil industry a gift on the way out of office. The bureau denies that politics played a role in the decision.

This shit can't go on forever
"With almost 5 million workers supported by the auto industry, Democrats are pressing for a federal rescue. But the problems are obvious. First, the arbitrariness. Where do you stop? Once you’ve gone beyond the financial sector, every struggling industry will make a claim on the federal treasury. What are the grounds for saying yes or no? ... "Second is the sheer inefficiency. Saving Detroit means saving it from bankruptcy. As we have seen with the airlines, bankruptcy can allow operations to continue while helping shed fatally unsupportable obligations. For Detroit, this means release from ruinous wage deals with their astronomical benefits (the hourly cost of a Big Three worker: $73; of an American worker for Toyota: $48), massive pension obligations, and unworkable work rules such as “job banks,” a euphemism for paying vast numbers of employees not to work."David Fitzsimmons

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Space shuttle Endeavour and a crew of seven blasted into the night sky Friday, bound for the international space station and the most extreme home makeover project ever attempted by astronauts. The shuttle rose off its launch pad at 7:55 p.m. EST, right on time, in a brilliant flash of light visible for miles around.

The International Space Station
Where they're headed.

Update on numbers 5, 7 and 9
) Anchorage mayor Mark Begich (D) increased his lead over Republican Sen. Ted Stevens (Alaska) to 1,022 votes as of late Friday, giving Democrats hope of raising their Senate majority to 58 seats. 7) [Democrats] also have a chance of capturing Republican Sen. Norm Coleman’s seat in Minnesota. Coleman leads by 206 votes out of nearly 3 million votes cast. 9) Democrats have a smaller possibility of winning the seat now held by Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss (Ga.). Chambliss failed to win over 50 percent of the vote in his race against Democrat Jim Martin. State law requires the two candidates to square off again in a runoff scheduled for Dec. 2.
[Still have a chance at 9 for 10.]

I feel better already, don't you?
WASHINGTON - Leaders of the world's biggest economies sought on Saturday to settle their remaining differences over an emergency plan to blunt the bite of the worst financial crisis in decades. Presidents and prime ministers from the powers of the 20th Century joined the heads of new economic heavyweights such as export colossus China and oil-rich Saudi Arabia. They sat down with their finance ministers for a five-hour meeting in a Washington museum, gathered around a large map of the world symbolizing the global nature of their attempted economic rescue plan.

'Team of Rivals'
``My goal is to have the best possible government, and that means me winning. I'm a practical-minded guy. And, you know, one of my heroes is Abraham Lincoln. A while back, there was a wonderful book written by Doris Kearns Goodwin called `Team of Rivals,' in which she talked about how Lincoln basically pulled all the people he'd been running against into his Cabinet,'' Obama continued. ``Because whatever personal feelings there were, the issue was, `How can we get this country through this time of crisis?' I think that has to be the approach one takes to the vice president and the Cabinet.'' - Obama 5/08

Yeah well Father, spin this
Washington DC, (CNA).- Exit polls are reporting that more weekly churchgoing Catholics voted for John McCain than for President-elect Barack Obama, slightly favoring McCain by 50 percent to 49 percent. ... Overall, Catholics favored Obama 54 to 45 percent, according to an Edison Media Research exit poll conducted for CNA.
[Smart choice, Catholics]

Getting deep
London - The disturbance of human remains in burial grounds is to be allowed for the first time since the early Victorian era to deal with a shortage of graves, The Times has learnt. Under a test scheme to begin in the new year, local authorities across the country will be allowed to exhume remains and rebury them deeper to create space for further burials on top. In some cases, new inscriptions will be added to the existing headstone to ensure that the heritage of the grave is not destroyed. Damaged or insignificant headstones would be removed and replaced with only the new name. The move comes amid an acute shortage of burial grounds in London and other urban areas, where many cemeteries have already run out of space.

It came from the 6th floor

A team of experts assembled by the Discovery Channel has recreated the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Using modern blood spatter analysis, new artificial human body surrogates, and 3-D computer simulations, the team determined that the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository was the most likely origin of the shot that killed the 35th president of the United States.

Hey, but what about Kyoto?
BEIJING — Thick brown clouds of soot, particles and chemicals stretching from the Persian Gulf to Asia threaten health and food supplies in the world, the U.N. reported Thursday, citing what it called the newest threat to the global environment. The regional haze, known as atmospheric brown clouds, contributes to glacial melting, reduces sunlight, and helps create extreme weather conditions that impact agricultural production, according to the report commissioned by the U.N. Environment Program. The huge plumes have darkened 13 megacities in Asia — including Beijing, Shanghai, Bangkok, Cairo, Mumbai and New Delhi — sharply "dimming" the amount of light by as much as 25% in some places.

That's my Pa!
Upon hearing of his son's new gig, the father of incoming White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel was quoted in the Israeli newspaper Ma'Ariv saying “Obviously he’ll influence the President to be pro-Israel. Why wouldn’t he? What is he, an Arab? He’s not going to be mopping floors at the White House.”
[What a country! A secret Muslim terrorist-sympathizer chooses a Jew for his Chief of Staff.]

Wingnut's go-to losing cred?
In the week since Senator Obama's stunning victory, many political pundits have been postulating that it wasn't just Senator John McCain who went down in flames this election season. They believe that internet sensation Matt Drudge was burned too much during the long campaign season, and that he too may never recover his onetime powerhouse status. However, Slate Magazine editor Jack Shafer believes that "once again," Drudge's demise has been "overreported."

Took her with him
SAO PAULO, Brazil - Police say a woman has died on the way to a cemetery when a traffic accident hurled her husband's coffin against the back of her neck. Police said 67-year-old Marciana Silva Barcelos was in the front passenger seat of the hearse when the accident occurred Monday in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul. Barcelos died instantly. Her 76-year-old husband, Josi Silveira Coimbra, died Sunday of a heart attack while dancing at a party.

Joe the Plumber got a new job?
Wingnut base getting active
A woman found slain in rural St. Tammany Parish on Monday was shot to death by Raymond "Chuck" Foster, the head of a Ku Klux Klan chapter from Bogalusa after she tried to back out of an initiation ritual, St. Tammany Parish authorities announced Tuesday. Investigators have not positively identified the woman yet, but believe she is from the Tulsa, Oklahoma, area, St. Tammany Parish Sheriff Jack Strain said. She apparently had come to Louisiana by bus after applying to join the organization over the Internet and had intended to start recruiting others in Oklahoma, he said.

A Limbaugh Award for being stupid
From Powerline
"Obama thinks he is a good talker, but he is often undisciplined when he speaks. He needs to understand that as President, his words will be scrutinized and will have impact whether he intends it or not. In this regard, President Bush is an excellent model; Obama should take a lesson from his example. Bush never gets sloppy when he is speaking publicly. He chooses his words with care and precision, which is why his style sometimes seems halting. In the eight years he has been President, it is remarkable how few gaffes or verbal blunders he has committed."
[For someone with such a well read blog, he sure is awfully fucking stupid! George 'Is our children learning' Bush a 'role-model' for Barack Obama on public speaking? These assholes are delusional.]

The white guy would have won
[McCain would still be just as stupid. - Is that John Edwards' hair?]

You do the math
Barack Obama 66,760,924 52.7%
...John McCain 58,279,894 46.0%
[And btw, John Kerry beat John McCain, too]

The Limbaugh Award

Ladies and gentlemen, after over an eight month drought from winning the Limbaugh Award, please welcome back Karl 'Turd Blossom' Rove.

This will undoubtedly be Turd Blossom's last opportunity to win this 'prestigious, but infamous' award, but at least he will go out in the style that we're all used to from him.

After Barack Obama's thorough trouncing of everything Rove and his ilk stand for, he has the audacity to try and take credit for it.

That's laughable and enough to get the lying little asshole, and soon to be convicted felon, his fourth, and more than likely last, Limbaugh Award.

Congratulations, Turd Blossom. You're #88.

Past winners of the prestigious, but infamous,
The Limbaugh Award
Double-talking Wingnut - Brent 'Bozo' Bozell - 11/9/08
Rightwing Radio Nutjob - Bill Cunningham - 11/2/08
Josephine the Plumber - Ashley Todd - 10/26/08
Joe The Plumber - Sammie Joe Wurzelbacher - 10/19/08
Drug-Addicted Beer Queen - Cindy McCain - 10/12/08
Anti-Semitic Lying Traitor - Sean Hannity - 10/5/08
Bye Week - 9/28/08
Pretty Pork Princess - Gov. Sarah Palin - 9/21/08
Lying Lil' Bush - John McCain - 9/14/08
Pretty Pork Princess - Gov. Sarah Palin - 9/07/08
Pretty Pork Princess - Gov. Sarah Palin - 8/31/08
Alleged Pedophile Pigboy - Rush Limbaugh - 8/24/08
A Terrible American Liar - Sean Hannity - 8/17/08
Self-described Narcissist - John Edwards - 8/10/08
Al-Qaeda in Iraq Liar - Traitor Joe Lieberman - 8/3/08
McCain Campaign Operative - Katie Couric - 7/27/08
Stupid Hillbilly Bitch - Libby Dole R-N.C. - 7/20/08
Lyin' Lil' Bush - John McCain - 7/13/08
Fox Assholes & Friends - Doocey and Kilmeade -7/5/08*
Fear-Mongering Buckeye Fan - Hugh Hewitt - 6/29/08
A Terrible American - Sean Hannity - 6/22/08
Tim Russert Memorial Truce Week - 6/15/08
Fox's Toe-Sucking Ethics Expert - Dick Morris - 6/7/08*
Troop Level Idiot - John 'Lil' Bush' McCain - 6/1/08
Sub 10th Grade Debate Loser - Rush Limbaugh - 5/25/08
Scared Little Man - George W. Bush - 5/18/08
Sugar Momma Beer Queen - Cindy McCain - 5/11/08
Uncultured Wussy - Bill O'Reilly - 5/4/08
Nazi Running for Congress - Tony Zirkle, R-IN - 4/27/08
Fox's Toe-Sucking Ethics Expert - Dick Morris - 4/20/08
Lying Dickhead VP - Dick Cheney - 4/13/08
McCain's Chief Lobbyist - Charlie Black - 4/6/08
Neo-Nazi Supporter - Sean Hannity - 3/30/08
Shiite for a Brain - John McCain - 3/23/08
Client #9 - Governor Eliot Spitzer - 3/15/08*
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 3/9/08
Lying Redneck Rep - Jack Kingston R-GA - 3/2/08
Lying Little Twirp - Tucker Carlson - 2/24/08
Mr Straight Talk - John McCain - 2/17/08
Bye Week - 2/10/08
Mr Straight Talk - John McCain - 2/3/08
935 of them - Bush & the Gang of 7 - 1/27/08
Fox News Co-Liars - Hannity & O'Reilly - 1/20/08
Sheep's Favorite Liar - Rush Limbaugh - 1/13/08
Longtime Lobbyist - Trent Lott - 1/6/08
2007 Co-Champions - Dick Bush - 12/30/07
Lying Piece of - Mitt Romney - 12/23/07
Psycho Pervert - Michael Savage - 12/16/07
Sheepherder-in-Chief - George W. Bush - 12/9/07
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 12/2/07
Cowardly Welsher - T. Boone Pickens - 11/25/07
Republican Tool - Matt Drudge - 11/18/07
Their Favored Liar - Rudy Giuliani - 11/11/07
Fox News Liar - Chris Wallace - 11/4/07
Uncultured Wussy - Bill O'Reilly - 10/28/07
Phony Patriot Liar - Rush Limbaugh - 10/21/07
Old Kentucky Homo - Mitch McConnell - 10/14/07
Liar-In-Chief - George W. Bush - 10/7/07
Phony Patriot Pig - Rush Limbaugh - 9/30/07
Big Stretch 'the truth' - Bill Sammon - 9/23/07
Mr. Straight Talk - John McCain - 9/16/07
Sycophant - Gen. David Petraeus - 9/9/07
His own Idaho - Sen. Craig R-Idaho - 9/2/07
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 8/26/07
The Exterminator - Tom Delay - 8/19/07
Big 'Rooster' - Mitt Romney - 8/12/07
Total Suck Up - Glenn Beck - 8/5/07
General Gonzo - Alberto Gonzales - 7/29/07
Pro Liar - Tony 'Snowjob' Snow - 7/22/07 **
Bush bin Lyin - George W. Bush - 7/15/07
Freed Felon - Scooter Libby - 7/8/07
Mr. Overrated - Rudy Giuliani - 7/1/07
Crazy Lying Okie - James Inhofe - 6/24/07
Pro Liar - Tony 'Snowjob' Snow - 6/17/07 **
Mormon Moron - Mitt Romney - 6/10/07
Bye Week - 6/3/07
Commander Guy - George W. Bush - 5/27/07
Pat's Brother - Bay Buchanan - 5/20/07
Used Car Salesman - John Boehner - 5/13/07
Uncultured Wussy - Bill O'Reilly - 5/6/07
Mr. Overrated - Rudy Giuliani - 4/29/07
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 4/22/07
The Decider - George W. Bush - 4/15/07
Lying Chickenhawk VP - Dick Cheney - 4/8/07
Mr. Straight Talk - John McCain - 4/1/07
Attorney General - Alberto Gonzales - 3/25/07
Fox mouthpieces Sean Hannity and
Victoria Toensing - 3/18/07
Fox News guy - Brit Hume - 3/11/07
VA Secretary - Jim Nicholson - 3/4/07
Rep. Michele Bachmann - (R-MN) - 2/25/07