Monday, December 01, 2008

Joint Chiefs look forward to dealing with an adult

Chairman 'Very Positive' After Meeting With Obama
"Open and serious debate versus ideological certitude will be a great relief to the military leaders," said retired Maj. Gen. William L. Nash of the Council on Foreign Relations. Senior officers are aware that few in their ranks voiced misgivings over the Iraq war, but they counter that they were not encouraged to do so by the Bush White House or the Pentagon under Donald H. Rumsfeld.

"The joke was that when you leave a meeting, everybody is supposed to drink the Kool-Aid," Nash said. "In the Bush administration, you had to drink the Kool-Aid before you got to go to the meeting."
After eight years of dealing with gross incompetence, the military is now looking forward to dealing with a Commander in Chief that's not only intelligent but who also has our country's best interests in mind.