'Special needs' children?VIDEO: Sarah Palin tells a Pennsylvania audience that Barack Obama's tax proposals will have "serious and harmful consequences" on families of special needs children, due to his "ideological commitment to higher taxes."
They weren't 'special' before she had one.
Sarah Palin cut the budget for Alaska's Special Olympics in half. It was $550,000 and she cut it to $275,000. Page 100.
Do you remember reading about Palin 'giving' all 665,000 Alaskan residents $3,200 for their share of the oil royalties this year? Don't you think it would have been more compassionate and the right thing to do for the 'special needs' kids if she would not have cut the $275,000 and sent everyone $3,199.59 instead?
Sarah Palin is the absolute worst kind of hypocrite.