Tuesday, October 07, 2008

'Judgment' on foreign policy?

Just in case you forgot, 57% of Congressional Democrats voted 'NO' on our stupid invasion of Iraq.

On the other hand, McCain said it would be easy, we would be "greeted as liberators” and a year into the occupation he said "I'm confident we're on the right course".

Barack Obama warned us before going into Iraq that we hadn't finished the job with Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

There's no doubt who had the better judgment on our foolish invasion of Iraq when it comes to Obama and McCain.

And McCain likes to pretend he knew all along that Valdmir Putin was trouble. When Bush said after meeting with Putin in 2001 that he looked into his eyes and saw “a sense of his soul”, McCain likes to say he saw a K, a G and a B, but that's bullshit! Here's the 'grade' that lying son-of-a-bitch gave Bush after his meeting with Putin;
Sen. McCAIN: On Russia, I d–I give him very high marks.


Sen. McCAIN: I–I give him an A. I’d give him an A.