Monday, September 22, 2008

Give her a booster seat while you're at it

McCain camp worried about Palin's 'inexperience'
At the insistence of the McCain campaign, the Oct. 2 debate between the Republican nominee for vice president, Gov. Sarah Palin, and her Democratic rival, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., will have shorter question-and-answer segments than those for the presidential nominees, the advisers said. There will also be much less opportunity for free-wheeling, direct exchanges between the running mates.

McCain advisers said they had been concerned that a loose format could leave Ms. Palin, a relatively inexperienced debater, at a disadvantage and largely on the defensive.
How pathetic can these guys get? She's 'inexperienced'? No shit, so is Joe Biden supposed to take it easy on her? I'm sure Putin or Ahmadinejad would.

I can hardly wait for the Pork Princess to say that line about the 'Bridge to Nowhere' in front of Biden.

The debates don't count for much anyway; if they did, John Kerry would be President.

Do you remember George Bush completely embarrassing himself in that first 2004 debate? I laughed my ass off that night. Here was a guy finishing the first 4-year term since Herbert Hoover with negative job growth and most of the sheep had finally figured out he lied about Iraq and now this devastating performance in this all important debate?

Come on, Bush sat there for a full minute, blinking, gaping and saying nothing and you still voted for him? Sixty-two million people still voted for that idiot.

Watch that video again.

The debates didn't mean squat in 2004 or 2000. So what hell, you might as well give Palin a bottle and bib with her booster seat. Americans are too dumb to do the right thing anyway.