Monday, September 22, 2008

Paulson raiding our treasury for his own gain

Treasury Secretary Paulson tries to rip us off!

Is there any wonder why Henry Paulson and Bush are trying to hurry and ram this bailout through Congress without any input from Congress?

Here's what Henry Paulson and George Bush have written into the bailout and they want Congress to just go along;
"Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency."
Sure, no problem. Take the $1 trillion, no questions, no review.

Democrats need to stand firm and make sure guys like Paulson don't make a goddamn dime off this. In fact, we need to confiscate every single asset these guys now have to help pay for the mess they left us.

And to that end, here's what Barack Obama said today about these snakes;
" [We] cannot give a blank check to Washington with no oversight and accountability," when the lack of regulation is what "got us into this mess" to begin with."
And what did John McCain say today about Barack Obama wanting to go slowly on this bailout?
“And the truth is we don’t have time to wait for Senator Obama..."
It shouldn't be a very difficult choice.