"But for most of the afternoon, McCain has not visibly been part of the action on the issue. He was not present when House and Senate negotiators emerged from a two-hour meeting to declare success. That announcement was made by Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.), chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, Sen. Robert F. Bennett (Utah) and Frank.Even members of his own party snicker at the mention of McCain coming back to the Hill to help out in this crisis. They know how weak he is on the issues.
McCain, by contrast, spent some time in his office with several Republican colleagues, briefly stopped at Boehner's office, then left for lunch at the Capitol's Mansfield Room before returning to his office in the Russell Senate Office Building."
McCain flies in, has his economic advisor talk to a few people, he backslaps a few buddies, goes to lunch and hopes like hell the debate gets canceled.
Do we really want another ignorant wimp for another four years?