Thursday, September 25, 2008

238 Years Before Jesus Christ?

The $4.1 Trillion Bushonomic Nightmare

As you know, I have the 'Debt Clock' displayed here on 'done that'.

I have been waiting for it to hit $9.7 trillion -- which would be an additional $4 trillion added by George Bush and the Republicans in the long seven years and eight months of Bushonomics -- to do a blog story.

Yesterday it was around $30 billion away from the $9.7 trillion but today it skyrocketed to $9.794, an immediate increase of over $120 billion in a matter of hours. And keep in mind, I can write '$9.794' trillion and by the time you read this it can be several billion more. It's currently ringing up about $1.3 million a minute.

To give you an idea of how much $4.1 trillion is, Bush has been in office 2,795 days, and that works out to $1,466,905,188 every single day he's been in office. For ignorant seat bracket inspectors, that's $1.467 BILLION every day that fucking moron loser has been in office.

If you were born 238 years before Jesus Christ, you could have spent $5 million every single day before you reached $4.1 trillion today. That's 820,000 days, or 2,246 years of spending $5 million every day.

Before Ronald Reagan, the national debt was $789 billion. That's $200 billion less than George W. Bush's current Wall Street bailout. In Reagan's eight years he added $1.412 TRILLION and Bush's old man added a staggering $1.036 TRILLION in his four years. Add compounded interest to that $2.5 trillion left by those two losers to the current idiot's debt and we have our $9.794 trillion Republican national debt.

And how far back could you go at spending $5 million a day to get to Reagan and the two Bush's $9.794 trillion debt? To 3,358 B.C.

How anyone in their right mind could ever vote for another Republican is beyond sanity. You have to be a complete dumbass and a total loser to vote for Republicans.