Monday, September 15, 2008

Joke of the week

McCain can't use a computer because he was a POW

I heard Sean Hannity whining on the radio this afternoon about Barack Obama's new ad '1982' which rightfully talks about how out of touch McCain is. It starts off talking about how McGrampy doesn't use a computer.

Hannity, and I guess Fox News and other lameass wingnuts are whining that poor Grampy can't use a computer because he was POW. Give it a fucking rest! Quadriplegics use computers and so could John McCain if he wasn't so stupid.

Using the POW story (I'd still like to hear McCain answer why he was called 'Songbird' when he was a POW) is getting old. John McCain was a POW 35 years ago. He has a 26 year miserable record in Congress that he shouldn't be able to hide from regardless of how much of a hero he likes to pretend he was four decades ago.