Monday, August 25, 2008

Will Michiganders fall for Mitt Romney?

First of all, could we please begin this conversation with an appropriately-timed Olympic-themed, patriotic, and sincere, 33 second tribute to Mitt Romney?

Okay, thank you.

Now where were we? Oh yeah, do you think Mitt Romney, a man who admits to wearing 'magic underwear', whose biggest claim as a successful businessman was accomplished by eliminating or outsourcing your job and who loves the war in Iraq just as long as none of his five chickenshit sons have to fight in it, will win over Michigan voters? I don't think so.

Jobs are huge in Michigan. We have taken a serious drubbing in Bush's two terms. Our unemployment rate was 8.5% in July. It was 4.1% in November 2000 - the month George Bush was (s)elected, and 4.7% two months later when he 'took' office. Go figure that.

If Michiganders long for jobs again, a man whose claim to fame is eliminating them, might not be your guy for VP.

And most Michiganders, at least us Democrats, and most 'Independents' anyway, are not too keen on some fucking cheese eating, $600 penny-loafer wearing, condescending and obnoxious little dweeb, coming here every few years to tell us how much he's missed us.

Mitt's old man, George, was a hugely popular governor here in Michigan from 1963-69. George ran for the Republican nomination for President in 1968, losing to Richard Nixon. Strangely, he wasn't even born in the U.S., but in a 'Mormon Colony' in Mexico. I'm sure he wore that goofy underwear, too.

And Mitt, well he left Michigan in 1965. For those of you without a calculator, that is 43 years ago. He really loves you, Michiganders; he just doesn't want to live near you.

Mitt Romney spent over $10 million of his own cash and on a pro-choice, pro gay rights, pro anything you'd like to hear platform, he won the Governorship of Massachusetts in 2002. And then of course, he changed all of those positions and spent another $43 million of his last $250 million, on his failed campaign this year for the Republican nomination.

I don't think the people of Michigan, at least those who take the time to learn about the real Mitt Romney, will fall for it. I don't know what those idiots in Massachusetts were thinking.

I wonder how many houses Mitt has?