To get the crybabies to stop whining about the media coverage of Obama's remarkably successful trip to Afghanistan and Iraq, CBS's Katie Couric interviewed McGranpy from Amman, Jordan in an attempt to pacify the spoiled little brat. Check out this exchange, which 'ironically' ended up being 'cut' from the interview;
Couric: Senator McCain, Senator Obama says, while the increased number of US troops contributed to increased security in Iraq, he also credits the Sunni awakening and the Shiite government going after militias. And says that there might have been improved security even without the surge. What's your response to that?
McCain: I don't know how you respond to something that is as-- such a false depiction of what actually happened. Colonel McFarlane [phonetic] was contacted by one of the major Sunni sheiks. Because of the surge we were able to go out and protect that sheik and others. And it began the Anbar awakening. I mean, that's just a matter of history. Thanks to General Petraeus, our leadership, and the sacrifice of brave young Americans. I mean, to deny that their sacrifice didn't make possible the success of the surge in Iraq, I think, does a great disservice to young men and women who are serving and have sacrificed.
What the actual 'history', and the facts are; from Colonel McFarland on September 29, 2006, several months before Bush even announced the 'surge'.
With respect to the violence between the Sunnis and the al Qaeda -- actually, I would disagree with the assessment that the al Qaeda have the upper hand. That was true earlier this year when some of the sheikhs began to step forward and some of the insurgent groups began to fight against al Qaeda. The insurgent groups, the nationalist groups, were pretty well beaten by al Qaeda.So, in September 2006 McFarland said that 'earlier this year' the 'awakening', that John McCain is now trying to claim was a result of the surge, had already began. The surge didn't begin until January 2007.
This is a different phenomena that's going on right now. I think that it's not so much the insurgent groups that are fighting al Qaeda, it's the -- well, it used to be the fence-sitters, the tribal leaders, are stepping forward and cooperating with the Iraqi security forces against al Qaeda, and it's had a very different result. I think al Qaeda has been pushed up against the ropes by this, and now they're finding themselves trapped between the coalition and ISF on the one side, and the people on the other.
Again, McCain shows his stupidity and ignorance on Iraq and the media says nothing. That quote above didn't even make the 'interview' with Couric. The only reason it's being reported is because of Keith Olbermann and a few liberal bloggers.
That, oh so 'liberal media', who are so 'in love' with Barack Obama, continues to cover up for John McCain. If the press, who McCain once referred to as 'his base', weren't so easy on him, the American public would know the 'real' John McCain.
He's totally incompetent and unfit to serve.
**Addendum - As the Jed Report states, McCain is "not intellectually qualified to be president" . With video on CBS's attempt to cover up McCain's incompetence.