Sunday, July 06, 2008

The 'surge' has worked?

I saw where 'Vets for Freedom' are going to start running pro-McCain tv commercials touting our "progress in Iraq and Afghanistan", since the surge began.

There have been 1,027 Americans killed and close to 7,500 wounded in Iraq since the 'surge' began. We continue to spend $500 million every day in Iraq which means we have spent $260 billion in the 521 days since the 'surge' began. Since the surge began we have been paying 100,000 former insurgents, many who had previously killed Americans, $10 day not to fight anymore. That's another $1/2 billion.

The Taliban and al-Qaeda have reconstituted and are killing more Americans and N.A.T.O. troops in Afghanistan than anytime during the seven year debacle.

If you think the 'surge' has worked ... you have very low standards.