"For now, at least 91,000 Iraqis, many of them former enemies of the American forces, receive a regular, American-paid salary for serving in neighborhood militias."
Ah, what the hell, a jobs program for a few thousand terrorists who killed a couple of thousand of our guys.
And 91,000? I saw a news clip on a Sunday morning talking head show that stated they all make at least $10 bucks a day - some more - so that's only a million or so a day. ... Peanuts compared to the other $465 million we waste there every day, I guess.
And 91,000? The entire country of Iraq is two-thirds the size of Texas. The entire Texas State Highway Patrol has 2,174 commissioned officers and there are 134 Texas Rangers.
You know, come to think of it. We are spending $466 million a day in Iraq, right? There are 27 million Iraqis. Why don't we leave, give every single one of them $10 bucks every day ($270M) and then we can invest the remaining $196 million per day here in our own country and at the same time, our troops stop getting killed or wounded!
Make sense? I have already contacted Barack and I'm waiting to hear back from him.
This is just another fine example of Democrats saving you money, (and lives), folks.
Hang on, change is on the way.
Got the quote from the NY Times.