Saturday, July 19, 2008

Phil Gramm, common corporate criminal

It is about John McCain's lack of judgment
Phil Gramm, John McCain's National Campaign Co-Chair; the epitome of today's 'Hoover-Republican Corporation Party', and the man distinctly behind John McCain's entire economic 'plan', has been thrown under the wheels of the Straight Talk Express.

Gramm, known well throughout Wall Street as, 'Foreclosure Phil', and very possibly the man most responsible for today's collapsing financial institutions, co-creator of Enron's demise and current UBS Investment Bank bail-out seeking parasite, was nonetheless slated to be John McCain's Treasury Secretary until Americans finally began to catch on.

As the Obama campaign has asked, will McCain re-do his 'Hoover-modeled' economic plan of corporate welfare and trillion-dollar bailouts, or just continue on with Phil Gramm's - a man who called us a 'nation of whiners' after begging Congress for billions of dollars in corporate bail-out money.

And he was going to be our Treasury Secretary? What kind of judgment is that?