Friday, July 18, 2008

Don't bring that lying bullshit here to Michigan!

John McCain gave a speech today in Warren, Michigan. Check this out and look how inspired the audience is listening to the lying little warmongering bastard.

Two of McCain's most blatant lies during his visit to Warren;
"If we would have done what Senator Obama has said we would have a wider war and we would have Iranian increased influence in Iraq".
No, that's not even close to being factual. If we would have listened to Barack Obama we would have never stupidly invaded Iraq and therefore Iran would still have a historical adversary on their western border who had held them in check for the last 25 years. Now, because of fools like Bush and McCain, we have a dominant Shiite government in Iraq who are now Iran's closest allies!
“Every intelligence agency in the world believed Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.”
Absolutely False! Our own intelligence agencies didn't even believe that. And the UN weapons inspectors clearly told us before we invaded they didn't have them just before Bush kicked them out.

If we would have listened to men like Barack Obama we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.

Don't bring that lying bullshit puppet show here to Michigan, asshole!