Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The military knows who supports them

Military going with Obama
Largely as a result of “dissatisfaction with the course of the war under President Bush and with the treatment of veterans returning home,” Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) is collecting more in military contributions than is Sen. John McCain (R-AZ). The AP reports, “Among people who have donated at least $200 to a presidential campaign this election cycle, Obama has collected more than $327,000 from those identifying themselves as military personnel, while McCain has collected $224,000.” Even many wealthy donors who contributed to Bush in 2004 have been reluctant to donate to McCain because of his Iraq policies.
John McCain has voted against veterans 11 times since 9/11. We're not stupid. We vets know and the active military is finally getting a clue, too.

They loathe our military while pretending to care. The gig is up for the phony-patriots. It's taken awhile but their time as come and they've been exposed.