Two American patriots, Russ Feingold and Chris Dodd will take a stand for our constitutional protections against our government's illegal wire-tapping and spying on its citizens.In a last-ditch attempt to fix a surveillance bill critics say would essentially legalize President Bush’s warrantless wiretapping program, Sens. Russ Feingold (D-WI) and Chris Dodd (D-CT) have promised to filibuster the bill as long as it offers telecommunications companies retroactive immunity.
“This is a deeply flawed bill, which does nothing more than offer retroactive immunity by another name. We strongly urge our colleagues to reject this so-called ‘compromise’ legislation and oppose any efforts to consider this bill in its current form. We will oppose efforts to end debate on this bill as long as it provides retroactive immunity for the telecommunications companies that may have participated in the President’s warrantless wiretapping program, and as long as it fails to protect the privacy of law-abiding Americans,” the senators said in a joint statement Tuesday.
Russ Feingold, a guy I would have definitely supported for President, -- although he'd make a great VP, too -- was the only Senator in the entire Senate to vote 'no' against the Patriot Act, and he's still fighting the good fight for us.
What a class act. What a American patriot!
And if the telecommunication companies want retroactive immunity, fine. Right after they tell Congress, under oath, what the government had them do illegally. You get 'immunity' after sworn testimony.
the RawStory