U.S. President George W. Bush is making his last major visit to a continent where many dismiss him as yesterday's man.There is only one way to show the rest of the world that we are better than George W. Bush and that's by not voting for another blowhard idiot like John McCain.
As his presidency winds down, Bush — reviled by many Europeans and simply ignored by others — can do little this week but smooth the way for his successor.
Iraq is the economy, stupid!
Chris Matthews and his guests were talking about how Americans have now turned almost exclusively to the economy and have shoved the Iraq occupation to a distant second place in what they're most concerned about. Don't people realize the devastating effect that spending $178 billion a year - $5oo million every day - in Iraq has on our economy?
And how hard is it really to figure out the effect on our economy when a barrel of oil has went from $35 the day Bush stupidly invaded Iraq to $135 today?
Come on, people. Keep up, pull your head out, and pay attention.
Yeah that worked out, Rupert
"The greatest thing to come out of this for the world economy...would be $20 a barrel for oil. That's bigger than any tax cut in any country."Who could have ever predicted this?
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran and Iraq agreed to boost defense cooperation during a visit of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to Tehran on Monday, Iran's official IRNA news agency said, giving few details on the content of the agreement.Who could have ever predicted that by ousting Saddam Hussein and installing the Shia majority in Iraq would strengthen Iran?
The two majority Shi'ite Muslim countries fought an eight-year war in the 1980s, in which 1 million people were killed, but ties have improved since Sunni Arab strongman Saddam Hussein was ousted in the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.
He just read the teleprompter and has no fucking clue what he said
In a recent interview with Newsweek, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) denied saying in a recent speech that “the media often overlooked how compassionately” Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) “spoke to the concerns and dreams of millions of Americans.” “I did not [say that] — that was in prepared remarks, and I did not [say it],” McCain told the reporters.The guy is either senile or a pathological liar.
Playing us like a violin
KABUL, Afghanistan - Pakistani intelligence agents and paramilitary forces have helped train Taliban insurgents and have given them information about American troop movements in Afghanistan, said a report published Monday by a U.S. think tank.George Bush has allowed Musharaf and Pakistan to play us like a bunch fools. It was too easy with the 'leadership' we have in charge.
The study by the RAND Corp. also warned that the U.S. will face "crippling, long-term consequences" in Afghanistan if Taliban sanctuaries in Pakistan are not eliminated.
Geez, who would have thought?
WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House conducted an inadequate and incomplete internal review of its involvement with convicted influence peddler Jack Abramoff and his lobbying team, a House committee draft report says.Yeah, like 20 out of the last 28 years!
“We did not arrive at the doorstep of our current economic crisis by some accident of history. This was not an inevitable part of the business cycle that was beyond our power to avoid. It was the logical conclusion of a tired and misguided philosophy that has dominated Washington for far too long.”You don't believe him? Check the facts for yourself.
That's cold
Eighteen million votes: $212 million. Some 1,926 delegates: $109,823 a pop. Blowing the biggest head start in presidential history: priceless.
E.D., be careful .. he's Black ...
FoxNews host E.D. Hill teased an upcoming discussion of political body language on the June 6 edition of her show, America's Pulse, by offering the following on Barack and Michelle Obama's now-famous knuckle bump: "A fist bump? A pound? A terrorist fist jab?Shameless, racist assholes, on Fox during prime time.