"The Habeas Corpus secures every man here, alien or citizen, against everything which is not law, whatever shape it may assume." --Thomas Jefferson to A. H. Rowan, 1798. ME 10:61Wingnuts should read Thomas Jefferson instead of listening to fools like Newt Gingrich, John McCain, George Bush or Rush Limbaugh.
"Freedom of the person under the protection of the habeas corpus I deem [one of the] essential principles of our government." --Thomas Jefferson: 1st Inaugural Address, 1801. ME 3:322
"The following [addition to the Bill of Rights] would have pleased me:...No person shall be held in confinement more than days after he shall have demanded and been refused a writ of habeas corpus by the judge appointed by law, nor more than days after such a writ shall have been served on the person holding him in confinement, and no order given on due examination for his remandment or discharge, nor more than hours in any place of a greater distance than miles from the usual residence of some judge authorized to issue the writ of habeas corpus; nor shall that writ be suspended for any term exceeding one year, nor in any place more than miles distant from the station or encampment of enemies or of insurgents." -- Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1789. ME 7:450, Papers 15:367
But then again, they wouldn't be wingnuts if they followed Thomas Jefferson and the U.S. Constitution instead of those petty morons.
If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy. - James MadisonThe tyranny is here Mr. Madison, and they are the 'Right' and the Republican Party.