Wednesday, June 18, 2008

George asks Congress to overturn Daddy's moratorium

Amid soaring gas prices and increased debate over energy policy, President Bush urged Congress Wednesday to end a 27-year ban on offshore drilling in U.S. coastal waters before its Fourth of July recess.

... The president's call to resume offshore drilling appears to go against the 1990 policy of his father, President George H.W. Bush, who signed an executive order banning coastal oil exploration as well as of his brother, Jeb, the former governor of Florida, an outspoken opponent of offshore drilling.
"27-year ban on offshore drilling'? Hmmm, let's see, 2008 minus 27 would be 1981. Let's see, who was president in 1981, with a Republican majority in the Senate?

And then, Daddy Bush came after that and in 1990 and he signed an executive order banning offshore oil drilling.

Something's not quite right with a lot the rhetoric I've been hearing and reading lately about offshore drilling.

Imagine that ...