Thursday, May 08, 2008

What did you think he was going to do,

.. go back and join the Peace Corp?

BAGHDAD — A former Kuwaiti detainee at the United States prison camp at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, was one of the bombers in a string of deadly suicide attacks in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul last month, the American military said Wednesday.

Cmdr. Scott Rye, a spokesman for the American military, identified one of the Mosul bombers as Abdullah Salim Ali al-Ajmi, a Kuwaiti man who was originally detained in Afghanistan and spent three years at Guantánamo Bay before being released in 2005. “Al-Ajmi had returned to Kuwait after his release from Guantánamo Bay and traveled to Iraq via Syria,” Commander Rye said ...
Lets say our country is invaded and you are 'captured', shackled with a hood over your face, tied to the floor of an airplane and flown 8,000 miles away to a small island with a secret prison and beaten, humiliated and maybe even 'waterboarded' for three years before it is finally determined you didn't do anything 'wrong'.

Some 'men' wouldn't do anything, but real men, I'm afraid, would get even.

And don't say Abdullah Salim Ali al-Ajmi wasn't found to be 'innocent', since there is no way in hell he would have ever left Guantánamo Bay if he wasn't.

Me and Abdullah Salim Ali al-Ajmi are a lot alike in some ways. Because I'd blow your fucking ass up too if you did that to me.