“I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on,” Hillary Clinton said in a USA Today interview, citing an article by The Associated Press which “found how Senator Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me... There's a pattern emerging here."
I touched on this sad reality a couple of weeks ago. Hillary is actually just stating the obvious. Granted, in a sort of desperate manner, but true nonetheless.
Barack Obama will win the Democratic nomination for president. But I'm afraid that will probably be the end of the road.
The article from Politico that I linked above states that the "race vote is worth maybe 15 percent to McCain”, and as I said at the time, 15% is too low of an estimate. There are far more racists than that.
On the bright side of things for the United States is that the number of Republicans is rapidly declining. You can only fuck things up for so long before people finally begin to catch on. There is 'hope' for this country but unfortunately it probably won't come soon enough for Barack Obama -- Or the country.
And we will pay dearly for it with another four years of abject incompetence.