Those ungrateful sons-of-bitches!
TEHRAN (AFP) — Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Sunday tried to reassure Iran over a planned security pact with Washington, vowing Iraq would never allow use of its territory to "harm" the Islamic republic.
"We will not allow Iraq to become a platform for harming the security of Iran and neighbours," Maliki said ... Maliki, who lived in exile in Iran during Saddam's dictatorship, is making his third visit to the country as prime minister.
Required reading for the sheep;
Conclusion 12: Statements and implications by the President and Secretary of State suggesting that Iraq and al-Qa'ida had a partnership, or that Iraq had provided al-Qa'ida with weapons training, were not substantiated by the intelligence. Intelligence assessments, including multiple CIA reports and the November 2002 NIE [National Intelligence Estimate], dismissed the claim that Iraq and al-Qa'ida were cooperating partners. According to an undisputed INR [State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research] footnote in the NIE, there was no intelligence information that supported the claim that Iraq would provide weapons of mass destruction to al-Qa'ida.Musharraf should be the one 'warned'
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Embattled, U.S.-backed Pakistani Pres. Pervez Musharraf Saturday warned Barack Obama that if he wins the White House, he'd have to change his policies towards Pakistan.General Musharraf is well aware of what Barack Obama will do about Pakistan harboring Osama bin Laden.
For those who criticize our right to go anywhere, without anyone's 'permission', to avenge 9/11 by killing those responsible, they should stand aside and shut-up!
"You want a fight, President Bush? Let's finish the fight with Bin Laden and Al Qaeda..."
While we patrol the streets of Baghdad ...
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. and its allies squandered an opportunity to cement alliances with tribal elders they regard as key to driving Islamic extremists out of havens along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, and now face a long and costly effort to regain influence there, counter-terrorism officials and diplomats say.
... Al Qaeda and the Taliban are doing a far better job of expanding their insurgency than the United States and its allies are of trying to stop it.
Do you have any ideas about what we should do with the remaining $113 billion?
Barack Obama's universal health care policy is projected to cost $65 billion a year. Since George Bush's Iraq Occupation is costing us $178 billion a year and Obama will no longer (give or take 16 months or so) be wasting that ridiculous sum on that even more ridiculous, and unnecessary fiasco; what do you think we as a country should do with our new $113 billion windfall?
Senator Franken
(AP) Former comedian Al Franken won a resounding endorsement for the U.S. Senate on Saturday from Minnesota Democrats, quickly dispatching with concerns about jokes that offended some and promising a tough challenge to Republican Sen. Norm Coleman.
And they can't figure out why they're so stupid
"In an article about a lawsuit against Fox News and hosts Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade for repeating as fact an online parody news report of a school prank that included fabricated quotes attributed to the superintendent, the AP reported that the case has been dismissed and that the judge called Doocy and Kilmeade "gullible." But the Fox & Friends segment in question marked at least the third time since 2004 that Fox News has issued a retraction and apology for airing a fake news report that repeated false information."We all know them; Fox News viewers and ditto-heads who stupidly, but unknowingly, regurgitate the nonsense and then wonder why they're viewed as being so ignorant.
Don't vote for the warmongering liar again
"The drumbeat to war with Iran is getting louder. With only a few months left in the Bush Presidency, it's tempting to sit back and wait until November. But belligerent rhetoric and fear mongering about Iran are on the rise. With piles of evidence pointing towards the same sort of fabrication that preceded the Iraq debacle and a thoroughly discredited administration at the helm, kids in the military forced to fight in wars of choice at the behest of powerful corporate interests, and economic problems at home, it's time to tell Washington "enough."Stop Bush and McCain.