Saturday, May 31, 2008

It's why they are 'wingnuts'

More lies about Obama exposed

Going around on the internets is a wingnut lie about two quotes Barack Obama allegedly made on consecutive days, May 18 and May 19. I had a little man who calls himself 'armybrat' (I guess daddy probably served) leave a comment here with the 'supposed' Obama quotes. Here's what 'brat' cut and pasted and claimed were statements made by Obama;
They [Iran] don't pose a serious threat to us." May 18, 2008.

"I've made it clear for years that the threat from Iran is grave." May 19, 2008.
I saw these same quotes over at Malkin's website --she's definitely a lying wingnut! And wingnuts are like cockroaches, they lack the ability to think on their own and just follow the stinking ass in front of them.

But of course, being of sound mind and impeccable integrity, I always check out everything a wingnut says and guess what readers? That's not what Barack Obama said on May 18! A bunch of lying fake conservatives - tell me it ain't so!

Here's what Barack Obama said on May 18. And as usual, he was right on!
[If Iran] "tried to pose a serious threat to us they wouldn't . . . they wouldn't stand a chance."
Wingnuts, 'phony'-conservatives have to lie to make their case. It's my duty, and always my pleasure to expose them for what they are.