"While carrying out the Bush administrations latest escalation over the past 15 months, the United States has continued to divert its attention from the broader battle against the terrorists who attacked us on September 11, and has ignored overall U.S. national security interests in the greater Middle East. Meanwhile, the United States has lost an additional 1,000 American lives, spent another $200 billion and has continued to erode the capability of our ground forces.When the Joint Chiefs of Staff, every divisional commander, General Casey, General Abizaid, General Dempsey and the troops themselves said no to the surge, the Sycophant General Petraeus said he would do it if meant he could finally get his fourth star and the price to be paid grows every day.
Today, however, Iraq is no closer to becoming a dependable and independent ally in the fight against radical Islamist extremists than it was in January 2007. And the United States is less secure than it was 15 months ago."
Today the country will once again hear the Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker dog and pony show on how we need to 'stay the course' -- at a mere $14 billion and 40-45 American deaths a month. We will once again hear Petraeus, Crocker and Republicans change the definition of success and we will continue on with this historic and devastating mistake until we get the real leadership we so desperately need.