Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Surrender Monkey
This headline is currently (8:30 PM) on Drudge;

"McCain forms team to advise him on foreign policy... Developing... "

Whoa -- It's a little late to be brushing up on what was suppose to be his strong suit, don't you think?

Maybe for the sake of the country we should let the Republicans start all over with their primary process ... They probably should have just fought it out and taken their thumpin' with Huckabee since it's looks fairly obvious now McCain will not be able to go the distance.

This admission by McCain that he now needs to be 'advised' on what was suppose to be his strength is an obvious surrender and a plea for help.

And of course, if it's up on Drudge it has to be true.

Update: "One of the chief concerns of the pragmatists is that Mr. McCain is susceptible to influence from the neoconservatives because he is not as fully formed on foreign policy as his campaign advisers say he is, and that while he speaks authoritatively, he operates too much off the cuff and has not done the deeper homework required of a presidential candidate."

Like I said, it's a little late to be doing 'homework' with that stupid Old Bastard. It's also ridiculous that Republicans are once again trying to dump another dumb and incompetent fool into the White House.

It's not a hard choice people.