Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Obama doesn't need advice from Lil' Bush

According to John McCain;
Barack Obama "does not understand the fundamental elements of national security and warfare. ... It displays a fundamental misunderstanding of history and how we’ve maintained national security, and what we need to do in the future to maintain our security in the face of the transcendent challenge of radical
Islamic extremism. And I understand that because he has no experience or background in any of it."
First of all, having 'experience' or 'background' means absolutely nothing when you are as ignorant on Iraq as John McCain has been proven to be.

'Fundamental elements'? Does he mean 'fundamental' like knowing the 'fundamental' difference between Sunnis and Shias?

Barack Obama should not allow John McCain to set the tone or agenda on national security or foreign policy. McCain has a very clear record of being wrong every step of the way when it comes to Iraq - from before we went there to just yesterday - he hasn't gotten it right yet.

Obama, on the other hand, was dead on right before we went there and if we would have listened to him instead fools like McCain and Bush, we wouldn't be in that mess. -- You add up the cost.

It shouldn't be very hard to figure out who between Barack Obama and John McCain has the 'fundamental elements' to lead. McCain has a record.