"Only the most deluded of us could doubt the necessity of this war."
John McCain - August 2004 Republican National Convention, or 3,000 American deaths, and $500 billion ago.
"I am not opposed to all wars. I'm opposed to dumb wars."
Barack Obama - October 2002, five months before the historical Iraq blunder, or 3,908 American deaths, and $650 billion ago.
What good is 'experience' if you're a bumbling idiot? In McCain's case, all that means is he's been fucking up a lot longer.
I'll take sound judgement, and clear foresight over experience anyday.
It's early, but if these two happen to match up, I look forward to their debate on the Iraq War Fiasco.
And John McCain's most prophetic statement on Iraq?
“It’s clear that the end is very much in sight.”
Week three - 4/9/03