Sunday, April 20, 2008

Don't worry Lil' Bush, Democrats already fixed that earmark problem you helped create

John McCain is confused. Boy, that's breaking news, huh? He keeps saying that he will cut earmarks by $60 billion when he takes office.

We all know John McCain it not a very bright man. The economy is not his strong suit - foreign policy was suppose to be. But of course, if a man doesn't know the difference between the Sunni and Shia five years into a war he's been cheerleading for, he'd better come up with a different 'strength'.

Somebody on McCain's staff needs to let him know that he's exposing himself to his obvious stupidity when he keep's harping on an earmark problem that the Democrats fixed when they took back Congress in January 2007.

If the public paid attention to what actually happened in this country, there would not be 30 Republicans in the entire federal government.

And John McCain certainly would not be one of them.