Friday, March 14, 2008

What Bush doesn't want you to hear again

ABC News has requested and obtained a copy of the Pentagon study which shows Saddam Hussein had no links to Al Qaeda.

It's the government report the White House didn't want you to read: yesterday the Pentagon canceled plans to send out a press release announcing the report's availability and didn't make the report available via email or online.

Bush and the rest of the war criminals who lied us into invading and occupying Iraq by scaring the sheep into believing the absurd claim that there was a link between al-Qaeda and Iraq have now stopped the Pentagon from releasing a report they had announced would be released this week.

I had already prepared a piece for the 54th 'Sunday Scroll' about the Pentagon's exhaustive investigation that was to be released. I had titled it, 'That's not news', because of course, it's not news even to the 20% of the sheep who still embarrassingly lie about it.

The Pentagon's report, which came from, "600,000 official Iraqi documents seized by US forces after the invasion and thousands of hours of interrogations of former officials in Saddam's government now in US custody", came to the same conclusion that every report done has come to; there never was a link between al-Qaeda and Iraq. In fact, it was always ridiculous to think there was for anyone with an IQ above room temperature.

And why did the Pentagon change their plan to distribute its results to the media and the American people? They announced, 'It's too politically sensitive'. In other words, it would just once again point to the lies told during the run-up to the invasion.

And if you remember, Bush used that 'politically sensitive' excuse once before in regards to al-Qaeda. That of course was when he ran interference for his Saudi buddies and their links to al-Qaeda.

What a bunch fucking patriots, huh?