Friday, March 14, 2008

'Mr Clean' ain't so clean

No question McCain intervention helped Airbus

European Aeronautic Defense and Space Co. and Northop Grumman Corp. were awarded a $35 billion Pentagon contract last month to build new Air Force tankers, instead of Boeing Co., and the Seattle-based company is formally challenging the agreement.

Boeing's complaint asks the Government Accountability Office to make sure the EADS contract is fair. McCain pushed for EADS to get the contract, and his campaign employs three former EADS lobbyists, although there is no specific evidence of impropriety, according to ABC.

"Mr. Clean has a bunch of lobbyists that work for a company that won that contract," House Democratic Caucus chairman Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., told the network.

Mr Straight Talk, Maverick or 'Mr Clean', or whatever John McCain is currently being referred to, has a very serious lobbyists problem. He's just another 'dirty' Republican politician and he's their nominee.

It's one thing to be in the pocket of so many lobbyists but it's an entirely different problem for 'Mr. Clean' when he's working so hard to send tens of thousands of jobs to Europe for a few pieces of silver.

Barack Obama will be 'happy to have that argument'.