Mitt Romney ended his candidacy for president today in a manner befitting his political transformation -- exiting stage right from the Republican campaign with a red-meat speech delivered to a bunch of hypocrites and phony conservatives. Crying towels were distributed to the entire flock.It's unfortunate for our country that Flipper Romney withdrew from the race today. Flipper winning the nomination of Republicans would have been a slam dunk win for Barack or Hillary come November.
I was listening to Thom Hartmann today broadcasting his show from the CPAC meeting when he announced that it was being reported that Romney was dropping out of the race so I immediately turned my radio dial over to El Drugbo. Damn, give that whiney fatass some cheese with that whine!
Rush don't you realize that 'three-legged stool' of Reagan conservatism bullshit you rant about is a fallacy? The reason you so-called 'conservatives' (sic) are falling flat on your faces is that mystical stool you talk about only has one leg. And that's the 'social' leg. You losers are NOT fiscally conservative -- You haven't had a true fiscal conservative since Dwight Eisenhower. As for security and foreign policy, are you kidding?
For Limbaugh to whine about someone else 'ruining the Republican party' would be hilarious if it wasn't such bullshit. George W. Bush, the guy he has supported unrelentingly for 85 months is the reason for their demise and only a lying fool like the oxycontin pig-boy wouldn't admit the obvious.
But relax losers --- you still have Gomer.