Thursday, February 07, 2008

Democrats stand up for us against Bush again

The United States will make no commitments to the defense of Iraq in a new status of forces agreement setting for the legal basis of the US military presence there, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday.

Gates assured Democratic lawmakers that the agreement, which is to be negotiated with the Iraqi government, would not tie the hands of a future president.
Once again Congressional Democrats, from the 'do-nothing' 110th Congress, have went to bat for our country and prevented Bush and Republicans from doing further damage to our nation.

Bush had tried to back-door through what can only be construed as a treaty with Iraq that would have kept us there far longer than what Americans overwhelmingly would stand for.

For those wingnuts who are ignorant of the Constitution, (which is why they're wingnuts in the first place) you need to do a little reading to understand which body of government has to give their two-thirds 'consent' for any treaty to be ratified.

Once again the American people owe a huge debt of gratitude to the Democratic majority in Congress but unfortunately, the vast majority of Americans are way too stupid and uninformed to even realize it.