Friday, February 01, 2008

Just like Reagan and his Daddy

Bush to leave Legacy of Deficits

WASHINGTON -- George W. Bush took office in 2001 with budget surpluses projected to stretch years into the future. But it's almost certain that when he returns to Texas next year, the president will leave behind a trail of deficits and debt that will sharply constrain his successor.

On Monday, the president will unveil a $3 trillion-plus budget request for his final year, which is likely to show a deficit of more than $400 billion.
You know it's bad when the Wall Street Journal is conceding failure of another big-spending, debt creating, Republican administration.

A "$3 trillion-plus budget request"? When Junior took office the budget had $1.8 trillion in spending, which, for you without calculators, is a 67% increase in eight years. By the time Bush is done he will have averaged approximately 8.5% in annual spending increases every year he was in office.

The country cannot take another 'conservative' Republican in the White House.

Now someone needs to 'clean up after the second Bush'.