Friday, February 01, 2008

Iraq is the economy, stupid!

There's an article in TIME this week titled;
'Is the U.S. Failing in Afghanistan?'

The article is a lot of same information about our failure to stay focused in the real 'war on terror', but one sentence really caught my eye and that was;
"After spending $25 billion over six years to try to defeat the Taliban, the radical Islamist militia that had been dispersed into the mountains by the initial U.S. invasion is now a growing presence in large parts of the country."
Twenty-five billion over six years? We're spending 4-5 billion a year in Afghanistan?

Quick - this is a test to see if you are really paying attention. How much did the Bush administration request this fiscal year to fight the war on terror and occupy Iraq?

I know, half of you are totally clueless and the other two of you were right on!

One Hundred and Ninety-five billion dollars.

So, you learned from TIME that $5 billion of that goes to fight our real 'war on terror' -- and I know at least two of you can easily surmise that the remaining $190 billion must be going to 'occupy Iraq'.

One Hundred and Ninety billion dollars. Over 15, almost $16 billion every month to patrol the streets of Baghdad.

I heard some clown on MSNBC say a few minutes ago, 'Iraq has moved off the front page', ... 'it's about the economy now'.

No shit.