Monday, January 07, 2008

That's not 'straight talk'

In last night’s GOP 'candidate forum' on Fox News John McCain made the following statement;
And I’m proud to tell you, Chris, in 24 years as a member of Congress, I have never asked for nor received a single earmark or pork barrel project for my state and I guarantee you I’ll veto those bills. I’ll ask for the line item veto and I’ll veto them and I’ll make the authors of them famous.
Think Progress came up with at least three or four large pork-barrel spending projects McCain has received for Arizona.

And you know McCain is fond of earmarks if the 'king of pork', Ted Stevens is cracking jokes about him.

I hope the 'liberal media' ... you know, the 'mainstream' media, not just the bloggers ... start challenging 'Mr. Straight Talk', on his many factual inaccuracies and his unabashed revisionism of what actually occurred.

... Both foreign and domestic.