Mr. Mason, what makes you think Mitt Romney would 'put Michigan first' if elected; because he was born here?'Romney is Michigan's native son. He was born and raised here, has family here, and knows the auto industry.
By putting a Romney in the White House, we have the opportunity to "put Michigan first."'
Gerry Mason
St. Clair
Why hasn't he ever lived here as an adult? As a successful business man did he ever create a job in Michigan?
Why wasn't he Michigan's governor instead of Massachusetts'? There are a lot of summer homes in Michigan -- Why is Mitt's in New Hampshire?
Mitt Romney is a venture capitalist by trade. Venture capitalists eliminate jobs for the companies they purchase.
Ask the boys at Chrysler how they like venture capitalists right about now. How's that working out for ya, FP?
As the great communicator, and my favorite politician for the next 48 hours, Mike Huckabee, once said in the name of the Lord;
"Most Americans want their next president to remind them of the guy they work with, not the guy who laid them off".Go Huckaberry! ... I mean ... bee