Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) said Congress’s deficit spending has become a moral issue surpassing abortion because it saddles future generations with massive debt before they’re born. “The greatest moral issue of our time isn’t abortion, it’s robbing our next generation of opportunity,” Coburn told reportersThat's a very spurious statement coming from a Republican. Where has Cowboy Coburn been all these years?
In Bush's first five years, with a solid Republican controlled rubber-stamp Congress, spending increased a whopping 42.5%! You do the math.
In Bill Clinton's last year in office, spending increased 4.1%, to $1.86 trillion -- In Bankrupt Boy's first year, with that same Republican Congress, spending increased 7.9% and after five years, spending increased $792 billion to $2.66 trillion.
Bush and Republicans like Coburn borrowed more money in those five years than all the previous 42 administrations and 109 Congresses combined!
Shut-up Coburn - We don't need some stupid big spending Republican redneck from Oklahoma preaching to us about deficit spending.